... Akibat pelapukan daya kohesi batuan menjadi berkurang dan jika tanah tersebut berada pada suatu lereng, dan akibat gaya gravitasi, maka akan bergerak ke bawah, baik secara perlahan (creeping) ataupun cepat (translational sliding, debris flowing, rock falling). Selanjutnya oleh agen transport (air ataupun angin) tanah tersebut diangkut ke tempat yang lebih jauh sebagai sedimen [1]. ...

  • Denny Hidayat Tri Nugroho
  • Rudi Uswarman Rudi Uswarman

Intisari — Bencana alam seperti gerakan tanah atau longsor dapat terjadi pada berbagai skala dan kecepatan. Untuk meminimalkan kerugian akibat bencana tersebut maka dilakukan usaha mengenal tanda-tanda yang mengawali gerakan tanah, atau disebut sebagai mitigasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang wireless sensor network yang mampu mengidentifikasi bencana longsor. Node sensor terdiri dari: sensor getaran, sensor kemiringan lahan, sensor pergeseran lahan, kontroler, dan modul transmisi data. Node-node sensor ini ditanam pada daerah yang rawan longsor dan saling berkomunikasi antara node satu dengan lainnya. Data-data berupa getaran, kemiringan lahan, dan status selalu ditransmisikan ke base station sistem peringatan dini longsor secara realtime. Ketika bencana longsor akan segera terjadi node sensor diharapkan mampu mendeteksi dan mengaktifkan alarm yang ada pada node sensor serta mengirimkan tanda bahaya ke base station. Kata Kunci — longsor, wireless sensor network, node sensor, mikrokontroler Abstrak — Natural disasters such as land movements or landslides can occur at various scales and speeds. To minimize damages due to the disaster, an effort is made to recognize the signs that initiate soil movements or referred to as mitigation. This research was conducted to design a wireless sensor network that can identify landslides. Sensor nodes consist of vibration sensor, slope sensor, land shift sensor, controller, and data transmission module. These sensor nodes are planted in areas inclined to landslides and communicate with each other between nodes. The data vibration, the slope of the land, and status are always transmitted to the base station of the landslide early warning system in real time. When an landslide will occur soon the sensor node is expected to be able to detect and activate the alarm on the sensor node and send an signal to the base station. Keyword — landslides, wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes, microcontrollers

... Aliran adalah gerakan tanah yang berperilaku seperti fluida. Material yang mengalir bisa berukuran bongkah sampai dengan lempung; dengan atau tanpa kandungan air (Abbott, 2004). ...

  • Abdur Rahman Abdur Rahman

Kerawanan (Susceptibility) adalah ciri-ciri fisik atau karakteristik fisik dari kondisi suatu wilayah yang rentan terhadap bencana tertentu. Istilah kerawanan adalah suatu tahapan sebelum terjadinya bencana (pre-evelent phase) (Scheinerbauer dan Ehrlich, 2004 dalam Thywissen, 2006). Tanah Longsor (Landslide) adalah proses perpindahan atau pergerakan tanah dengan arah miring atau vertikal dari kedudukan semula sebagai akibat gaya berat. Longsor dapat terjadi jika intensitas curah hujan tinggi, kondisi lereng yang miring hingga terjal, pelapukan tebal, batuan dan struktur geologi bervariasi dan penggunaan lahan yang kurang sesuai dengan karakteristik lahannya (Sutikno, 1994). Bencana alam (disaster) adalah suatu peristiwa besar atau ekstrem di alam atau di lingkungan buatan manusia yang berpotensi merugikan kehidupan manusia, harta, benda atau aktivitas bilameningkat menjadi bencana (UNDP/UNDRO,1992). Bencana alam tanah longsor merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang banyak menimbulkan korban jiwa dan kerugian material yang sangat besar, seperti rusaknya Abstract Research of this case study was conducted in Purworejo Regency The Province of Central Java. in January 2008 . This Research aimed to map of landslide susceptibility in Purworejo Sub-further can be brought an action against by management which totally at area the happening and impact of landslide in topside and offside areas. This Research obtained Area of landslide which there are in Purworejo Sub-Province there are two district with very high level of susceptibility, 8 district have high level of susceptibility, 10 district have low level of susceptibility and two district have very low level of susceptibility. Landslide of area in Purworejo Sub-Province happened in northside and East side which domination with mountain has precipitous slope. Clay structure of land (silty clay) above impervious of rock in the form of Andesit, Breccia Formation, Dacite and Old Andesit formation and Bemelen, Peniron Formation.

... handling hazmat, high population density, and natural hazard risk. Many regions in the US are prone to one or more serious natural hazards (Abbott, 2004 ), and combined with growth in these areas (see, for example, Van der Vink et al., 1998), the result is a trend towards greater losses due to natural hazards such as floods (see, for example, Zeng and Kelly, 1997) and hurricanes (Pielke et al., 2008 ). Increased population and industry in hazard-prone areas also leads to greater potential threats from natechs. ...

Natural hazards were the cause of approximately 16,600 hazardous material (hazmat) releases reported to the National Response Center (NRC) between 1990 and 2008-three per cent of all reported hazmat releases. Rain-induced releases were most numerous (26 per cent of the total), followed by those associated with hurricanes (20 per cent), many of which resulted from major episodes in 2005 and 2008. Winds, storms or other weather-related phenomena were responsible for another 25 per cent of hazmat releases. Large releases were most frequently due to major natural disasters. For instance, hurricane-induced releases of petroleum from storage tanks account for a large fraction of the total volume of petroleum released during 'natechs' (understood here as a natural hazard and the hazardous materials release that results). Among the most commonly released chemicals were nitrogen oxides, benzene, and polychlorinated biphenyls. Three deaths, 52 injuries, and the evacuation of at least 5,000 persons were recorded as a consequence of natech events. Overall, results suggest that the number of natechs increased over the study period (1990-2008) with potential for serious human and environmental impacts.

  • Park Jong-Kil
  • Jang Eun-Suk
  • Choi Hyo-Jin

It is analysised the causes and extent of damage of natural disasters through the investigating of natural disaster states occurred in Gyeongsangnam-do. The data for this study were based on disaster annual report between 1987 and 2003. Especially, the data between 1993 and 2003 were used for the analysis in Gyeongsangnam-do area. A typhoon and a heavy rain were the major causes of the natural disasters in Gyeongsangnam-do. For all that the extent of damage by a heavy rain was twice as much as that of a typhoon, Gyongsangnam-do suffered heavy damage from a typhoon. So, special attentions should be paid to establish prevention plans for that in this area. Also, half of the natural disasters were occurred between July and August, the intensive prevention plans for the summer season are needed.

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